Belated Regrets

Richard Whitely is dead (I know. I am a week late). He was a presenter of Channel 4ā s CountDown, It was not as though I went out of my way to watch the programme, mainly I am as thick as a pile of piggy poo and found it impossible to solve the mathematical conundrums. (In mitigation I am pretty darned hot on 15-1)
R.W. died of a heart attach, apparently.
I remember my prolonged periods of Catatonic Depression in which I would sit upon the sofa ā cross-legged, staring but unseeing at the television (And that, for all you cynics) is not an exaggeration) being temporarily relieved by the amusing and occasionally hilarious banter between Whitely and Carol Vorderman.
An impressive feat as this was something that no antidepressant was able to do at that time. For many, years Countdown became a TV institution which, Iām sure, will be much missed.